| | | | | | | | | | zapri okno | | Premirje z Avstro-Ogrsko. Pogoji premirja med Antanto s pridruženimi članicami in Avstro-Ogrsko. (PODPISANO V VILI GIUSTI, 3. NOVEMBRA 1918) Armistice convention with Austria-Hungary. Protocol Of Conditions Of The Armistice beetween the allied and associated powers and Austria-Hungary. (SIGNED AT VILLA GIUSTI, NOVEMBER 3, 1918.) | | Senžermenska pogodba (manjšine) celotna Senžermenska pogodba (english) St. Germain | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Part I (Articles 1-8): Military clauses (Vojaški del) Part II(Articles 1-11): Naval conditions (Pogoji mornarici) SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOOL: (DODATEK:) Part I (Articles 1-10): Military clauses (Vojaški del) Part II(Articles 1-9): Naval clauses (Mornariški del) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. MILITARY CLAUSES. 1. The immediate cessation of hostilities by land, sea, and air. (Takojšnje prenehanje sovražnosti na kopnem, morju in v zraku.) 2. Total demobilization of the Austro-Hungarian Army and immediate withdrawal of all Austro-Hungarian forces operating on the front from the North Sea to Switzerland. (Popolna razorožitev avstro-ogrske vojske in takojšen umik vseh avstro-ogrskih čez z bojne črte od Severnega morja do Švice) Within Austro-Hungarian territory, limited as in clause 3 below, there shall only be maintained as Austro-Hungarian military forces a maximum of 20 divisions, reduced to pre-war peace strength (Na avstro-ogrskem ozemlju, ki je omejeno, kot je razvidno iz 3. točke, mora biti vojaška moč zmanjšana na mirnodobno predvojno stanje in lahko obsega največ 20 divizij.) Half the divisional and army corps artillery and equipment shall be collected at points to be indicated by the Allies and United States of America for delivery to them, beginning with all such material as exists in the territories to be evacuated by the Austro-Hungarian forces. (Polovica divizijske in korpusne artilerije in opreme bo potrebno zbirati na mestih, ki jih bodo določili zavezniki in ZDA, začenši z vsem navedenim materialom iz ozemelj, iz katerih se bodo avstro-ogrske čete umaknile.) 3. Evacuation of all territories invaded by Austria-Hungary since the beginning of war. Withdrawal within such periods as shall be determined by the commanders in chief of the allied forces on each front of the Austro-Hungarian armies behind a line fixed as follows: (Umik z vseh ozemelj, ki jih je zavzela Avstro-Ogrska od začetka vojne. Umik avstro-ogrske vojske v času kot bodo določili poveljniki vrhovnega poveljstva zavezniških sil iz vsake fronte za črto kot sledi:) From Piz Umbrail to the north of the Stelvio it will follow the crest of the Rhaetian Alps up to the sources of the Adige and the Eisack, passing thence by Mounts Reschen and Brenner and the heights of Oetz and Ziller. (Od Piz Umbraila proti severu Stelvia, nato po grebenu Retijskih Alp do izvira Adiže in Eisacka, nato po planini Reschen, Brenerju in višavju Oetz in Ziller.) The line will thence turn south, crossing Mount Toblach, and meeting the present frontier of the Carnic Alps. It will follow this frontier up to Mount Tarvis, and after Mount Tarvis the watershed of the Julian Alps by the Pass of Predil, Mount Mangart, the Tricorno (Terglou), and the watershed of the Passes of Podberdo, Podlaniscam, and Idria. From this point the line will turn southeast toward the Schneeberg, excluding the whole basin of the Save and its tributaries; from the Schneeberg it goes down toward the coast in such a way as to include Castua, Mattuglia, and Volosca in the evacuated territories. (Nato proti jugu preko Toblacha do obstoječe meje v Karnijskih Alpah. Nato po meji do trbiške gore (op.a: Zahomec 1813 - vas Žabnice), od tod po razvodju julijskih Alp pri prelazu Predel do Mangarta in Triglava, po razvodju pri Podbrdu, Podlaniščah in Idriji. Od tod proti jugovzhodu proti Snežniku, izvzemši celoten savski bazen s pritoki. Od Snežnika proti obali tako, da so na izpraznjenem ozemlju zajeti kraji Kastav, Matulji in Voloska) It will also follow the administrative limits of the present Province of Dalmatia, including to the north Lisarica and Tridania, and to the south territory limited by a line from the shore at Cape Planka to the summits of the watershed eastward, so as to include in the evacuated area all the valleys and watercourses flowing toward Sebenico, such as the Cicola, Kerka, Butisnica, and their tributaries. It will also include all the islands in the north and west of Dalmatia from Premuda, Selve, Ulbo, Scherda, Maon, Pago, and Puntadura in the north to Meleda in the south, embracing Sant' Andrea, Busi, Lissa, Lesina, Tercola, Curzola, Cazza, and Lagosta, as well as the neighboring rocks and islets, and Pelagosa, only excepting the islands of Great and Small Zirona, Bua, Solta, and Brazza. (Po administrativni meji sedanje dežele Dalmacije, na severu vključno do Lisarice in Tridanije in na jugu od rta Planka po razvodnem grebenu proti vzhodu tako, da bodo vključene vse doline in reke Krka, Kalika, Butišnica s pritoki proti Šibeniku. Vključeni so vsi otoki na severu in zahodu Dalmacije, od Permude, Silbe, Oliba, Škarde, Mauna, Paga in Vira na severu, do Mljeta na jugu, vključno z otoki Svetac, Biševo, Vis, Hvar, Ščedro, Korčula, Sušac in Lastovo s sosednjimi čermi in otočki, in Palagruža, razen otokov Veliki in Mali Drvenik, Čiovo, Šolta, in Brač.) All territories thus evacuated will be occupied by the troops of the Allies and of the United States of America. (Vsa izpraznjena ozemlja bodo zasedle zavezniške čete in čete ZDA.) All military and railway equipment of all kinds (supplies of coal and others included) belonging to or within these territories to be left in situ, and surrendered to the Allies according to detailed instructions given by the commanders in chief of the forces of the associated powers on the different fronts. (Vsa vojaška in železniška oprema vseh vrst (zaloge premoga, itd.), ki pripada ali se nahaja na tem ozemlju, mora biti puščena na mestu in izročena zaveznikom, v skladu s podrobnimi navodili, ki jih bodo dali vrhovni poveljniki zavezniških sil na različnih frontah.) No new destruction, pillage, or requisition to be done by enemy troops in the territories to be evacuated by them and occupied by the forces of the associated powers. (Sovražne čete na ozemlju s katerega se morajo umakniti in ki ga bodo zasedli zavezniki in pridružene članice, ne smejo povzročati novega uničevanja, plenitev ali zasega imetja.) 4. The Allies shall have the right of free movement over all road and rail and waterways in Austro-Hungarian territory, and of the use of the necessary Austrian and Hungarian means of transportation. (Zavezniki imajo pravico do prostega gibanja na vseh cestah, železnicah in plovnih poteh na Avstro-Ogrskem ozemlju in do uporabe potrebnih povprečnih avstrijskih in ogrskih prevoznih sredstev.) The armies of the associated powers shall occupy such strategic points in Austria-Hungary at such times as they may deem necessary to enable them to conduct military operations or to maintain order. (Zavezniki lahko z vojsko zasedejo strateške točke Avstro-Ogrske za toliko časa, kot se jim bo zdelo potrebno, za izvedbo vojaških operacij ali za vzdrževanje reda.) They shall have the right of requisition on payment for the troops of the associated powers wherever they may be. (Za plačilo čet zavezniške vojske, imajo pravico do prisilnega odvzema, kjerkoli se bodo čete mudile.) 5. Complete evacuation of all German troops within 15 days, not only from the Italian and Balkan fronts but from all Austro-Hungarian territory. (Popoln umik nemških čet v 15-ih dneh, ne le iz italijanskih in balkanskih front, pač pa tudi iz ozemlja Avstro-Ogrske.) Internment of all German troops which have not left Austria-Hungary within that date. (Internacija vseh nemških vojakov, ki ne bodo zapustili Avstro-Ogrske v roku.) 6. The administration of the evacuated territories of Austria-Hungary will be intrusted to the local authorities under the control of the allied and associated armies of occupation. (Uprava ozemlja Avstro-Ogrske, iz katerih se bo avstro-ogrska vojska umaknila, se zaupa lokalnim oblastem, ki bodo pod nadzorom zaveznikov in pridruženih članic.) 7. The immediate repatriation without reciprocity of all allied prisoners of war and interned subjects, and all civil populations evacuated from their homes, on conditions to be laid down by the commanders in chief of the forces of the allied powers on the various fronts. (Takojšnja vrnitev vojnih ujetnikov, internirancev in vseh iz domov izseljenih civilistov v domovino brez reprocitete, pod pogoji, ki jih bodo določili vrhovni poveljniki zavezniških sil na različnih frontah.) 8. Sick and wounded who can not be removed from evacuated territory will be cared for by Austro-Hungarian personnel who will be left on the spot with the medical material required. (Za bolnike in ranjence, ki jih ne bo mogoče odpeljati iz območja umika, bo skrbelo avstro-ogrsko osebje, ki bo ostalo na kraju s potrebnim zdravstvenim materialom.) | | | | | | | | nazaj | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | II. NAVAL CONDITIONS. 1. Immediate cessation of all hostilities at sea and definite information to be given as to the location and movements of all Austro-Hungarian ships. Notification to be made to neutrals that freedom of navigation in all territorial waters is given to the naval and mercantile marines of the allied and associated powers, all questions of neutrality being waived. 2. Surrender to the Allies and to the United States of America of 15 Austro-Hungarian submarines, completed between the years 1910 and 1918, and of all German submarines which are in or may hereafter enter Austro-Hungarian territorial waters. All other Austro-Hungarian submarines to be paid off and completely disarmed, and to remain under the supervision of the Allies and United States of America. 3. Surrender to the Allies and to the United States of America, with their complete armament and equipment, of 3 battleships, 3 light cruisers, 9 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats, 1 mine layer, 6 Danube monitors, to be designated by the Allies and the United States of America. All other surface warships (including river craft) are to be concentrated in Austro-Hungarian naval bases to be designated by the Allies and the United States of America, and are to be paid off and completely disarmed and placed under the supervision of the Allies and the United States of America. 4. Freedom of navigation to all warships and merchant ships of the allied and associated powers to be given in the Adriatic and up the River Danube and its tributaries in the territorial waters and territory of Austria-Hungary. The allied and associated powers shall have the right to sweep up all mine fields and obstructions, and the positions of these are to be indicated. In order to insure the freedom of navigation on the Danube, the Allies and the United States of America shall be empowered to occupy or to dismantle all fortifications or defense works. 5. The existing blockade conditions set up by the allied and associated powers are to remain unchanged, and all Austro-Hungarian merchant ships found at sea are to remain liable to capture, save exceptions which may be made by a commission nominated by the Allies and United States of America. 6. All naval aircraft are to be concentrated and immobilized in Austro-Hungarian bases to be designated by the Allies and the United States of America. 7. Evacuation of all the Italian coasts and of all ports occupied by Austria-Hungary outside their national territory, and the abandonment of all floating craft, naval materials, equipment, and materials for inland navigation of all kinds. 8. Occupation by the Allies and the United States of America of the land and sea fortifications and the islands which form the defenses, and of the dockyards and arsenal at Pola. 9. All merchant vessels held by Austria-Hungary belonging to the allied and associated powers to be returned. 10. No destruction of ships or of materials to be permitted before evacuation, surrender, or restoration. 11. All naval and mercantile-marine prisoners of war of the allied and associated powers in Austro-Hungarian hands to be returned without reciprocity. The undersigned plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, declare approval of the above-indicated conditions. November 3, 1918. The representatives of the supreme command of the Austro-Hungarian Army: F. VICTOR WEBER EDLER VON WEBENAU. KARL SCHNELLER. Y. VON LIECHTENSTEIN. F. V. NYÉKHEGYI. ZWIERKOWSKI. VICTOR FREIHERR VON SEILLER. KAMILLO RUGGERA. The representatives of the supreme command of the Italian Army: Lieut. Gen. PIETRO BADOGLIO. Maj. Gen. SCIPIONE SCIPIONI. Col. TULLIO MARCHETTI. Col. PIETRO GAZZERA. Col. PIETRO MARAVIGNA. Col. ALBERTO PARIANI. Nav. Capt. FRANCESCO ACCINNI. | | | | | | | | nazaj | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL Containing the details and the execution clauses of certain points of the armistice between the allied and associated powers and Austria-Hungary. I. MILITARY CLAUSES. 1. Hostilities by land, at sea, and in the air shall cease on all the fronts of Austria-Hungary 24 hours after the signature of the armistice; that is, at 3 p. m. on November 4 (central European time). From that instant the Italian and associated troops will refrain from advancing beyond the line reached at that time. The Austro-Hungarian troops and the troops of the countries allied with Austria-Hungary shall withdraw to a distance at least 3 kilometers in an air line from the line reached by the Italian troops or by the troops of the allied and associated countries. The inhabitants of the 3-kilometer zone included between the two above-mentioned lines may, in order to obtain the necessary provisions, apply to their own national army or to the armies of the associated powers. All the Austro-Hungarian troops who at the time of cessation of hostilities are behind the fighting line reached by the Italian troops shall be considered as prisoners of war. 2. As regards the clauses contained in Articles 2 and 3 on the subject of the artillery and its equipment and of the military material which are to be assembled at places indicated or left on the spot in the territories which are to be evacuated, the Italian plenipotentiaries, as representatives, of all the allied and associated powers, declare that they give said clauses the following interpretation, which will be carried into execution: (a) Every article which may be used for a war purpose, or the component parts of which can be used for such a purpose, shall be surrendered to the allied and associated powers. The Austro-Hungarian Army and the German troops are authorized to carry off only the personal equipment and armament of the soldiers who are to evacuate the territories mentioned in Article 3, as well as the horses of the officers, the transport train, and the horses regularly allotted in each unit to the transportation of food, of kitchens, of the baggage of officers, and of the sanitary material. This clause applies to all the various arms and to all the services of the armies. (b) As regards particularly the artillery, it has been arranged that the Austro-Hungarian Army and the German troops will leave in the territory to be evacuated all artillery material and all its equipment. The calculation necessary for obtaining the complete and exact total quantity of the artillery of the army corps and army divisions possessed by Austria-Hungary at the moment of the cessation of hostilities (and half of which is to be surrendered to the associated powers), will be made later, in order to arrange, if necessary, the delivery of other artillery material of the Austro-Hungarian Army, and possibly the return of material to the Austro-Hungarian Army by the allied and associated armies. All artillery which does not actually form part of the divisional and army corps artillery shall be surrendered without any exception; nevertheless, it will not be necessary to calculate the amount. (c) On the Italian front, the delivery of all the divisional and army corps artillery shall be effected at the following places: Trento, Bolzano, Pieve di Cadore, Stazione per la Carnia, Tolmino, Gorizia, and Trieste. 3. The commanders in chief of the allied and associated armies on the different fronts of Austria-Hungary will select special commissions which shall immediately proc eed, accompanied by the necessary escorts, to the places they regard as the most suitable from which to control the execution of the above provisions. 4. It has been determined that the names Mount Toblach and Mount Tarvis indicate the groups of mountains dominating the Toblach saddle and the Tarvis Valley, as shown on the 1:500.000 sketch map appended hereto by way of elucidation. 5. On the Italian front, the evacuation of the Austro-Hungarian troops and of the troops allied with Austria-Hungary behind the line indicated in Article 3 of the protocol of armistice conditions shall take place within a period of 15 days from the date of the cessation of hostilities. As regards the Italian front, on the fifth day the Austro-Hungarian troops and those allied with Austria-Hungary shall be situated behind the line: Tonale-Noce-Lavis-Avisio-Pordoi-Livinallongo-Falzarego-Pieve di Cadore-Colle Mauria-Alto Tagliamento-Fella-Raccolana-Sella di Nevea-Isonzo. They shall, moreover, have effected their withdrawal out of the territory of Dalmatia as fixed in the above-mentioned article. Austro-Hungarian troops on land and sea or the troops allied with Austria-Hungary which shall not have effected their withdrawal from the territory indicated within the period of 15 days will be regarded as prisoners of war. 6. Payment for requisitions made by the armies of the allied and associated powers in Austro-Hungarian territory shall be carried out according to the rules laid down in the first paragraph of page 227 of “Servizio in Guerra, Part II, edizione 1915,” now in force in the Italian Army. 7. As regards railroads and the exercise of the right confirmed to the associated powers by Article 4 of the armistice protocol between the allied and associated powers and Austria-Hungary, it has been determined that the transportation of troops, war material, and supplies for the allied and associated power s over the Austro-Hungarian railroad system outside the territory evacuated under the armistice clauses, as well as the direction and operation of the railroads, shall be intrusted to the employees of the Austro-Hungarian railroad administrations under the supervision, however, of special commissions appointed by the allied and associated powers and of the military commanders of the railroad stations which it may be deemed necessary to establish. The Austro-Hungarian authorities must give right of way to this transportation before all other and must guarantee its safety. 8. In the territory to be evacuated at the end of hostilities all mines along the roads and railroads, all mine fields, and every other device for the interruption of communication by road and rail shall be discharged and rendered entirely harmless. 9. Within a period of eight days from the cessation of hostilities, prisoners and Italian citizens interned in Austria-Hungary must cease all work, except for agricultural pursuits, so far as concerns prisoners and interned persons already employed in agricultural pursuits before the date of signing the armistice. In any case, they must be ready to leave immediately on request made by the commander in chief of the Italian Army. 10. Austria-Hungary shall provide for the protection, safety, and provisioning (cost to be repaid) of the various commissions of the allied and associated gov ernments selected to take over war material and to exercise gener al control, whether the said commissions are in the territory to be evacuated or whether they are in any other part of Austro-Hungarian territory. | | | | | | | | nazaj | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | II. NAVAL CLAUSES. 1. The hour for the cessation of hostilities at sea is the same as that for the cessation of hostilities on land and in the air. At the same hour the Austro-Hungarian Government shall have furnished to the Italian Government and to the associated governments, through the wireless station at Pola (which shall transmit it to Venice), the necessary information in order to make known the situation and movements of all Austro-Hungarian ships. 2. All the units referred to in Articles 2 and 3 which are to be surrendered to the associated powers shall reach Venice between 8 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. of November 6. They shall embark a pilot 14 miles from the shore. Exception is made with respect to the Danube monitors, which shall proceed to the port indicated by the commander in chief of the associated forces on the Balkan front, under the conditions which the said commander in chief shall deem it necessary to determine. 3. The ships which are to proceed to Venice are the following: Teghethoff, Saida, Prinz Eugen, Novara, Ferdinand Max, Helgoland. Nine destroyers of the Tatra type (800 tons minimum) of most recent construction. Twelve torpedo boats of the 200-ton type. Mine-layer Cameleon. Fifteen submarines built between 1910 and 1918 and all German submarines which are or may be in the Austro-Hungarian territorial waters. Damages premeditated or taking place on board the ships to be surrendered will be considered by the allied and associated governments as a most grave infringement of the present armistice. The Lake Garda flotilla shall be delivered to the associated powers in the port of Riva. All the ships which are not to be delivered to the associated powers shall be concentrated in the ports of Buccari and Spalato within a period of 48 hours from the cessation of hostilities. 4. As regards the right to sweep all mine fields and destroy all barrages, the Austro-Hungarian Government undertakes on its honor to deliver the plans of the mine fields and barrages of the ports of Pola, Cattaro, and Fiume to the commander of Venice and to the naval commander at Brindisi within 48 hours from the cessation of hostilities; and within 96 hours from the same time the plans of mine fields and barrages of the Mediterranean and of Italian rivers and lakes, with additional notification of the plan of mine fields and barriers laid by order of the German Government which are known to it. In this same period of 96 hours a similar communication concerning everything relating to the Danube and the Black Sea shall be addressed to the commander of the associated forces on the Balkan front. 5. The restitution of merchant ships belonging to the associated powers shall take place within a period of 96 hours from the time of cessation of hostilities, in accordance with the indications determined by each associated power, which will be brought to the knowledge of the Austro-Hungarian Government. The associated powers reserve to themselves the constitution of the commission referred to in Article 5 and of informing the Austro-Hungarian Government of the details of its functions and of the place where it is to meet. 6. The naval base referred to in Article I/6 is Spalato. 7. The evacuation referred to in Article I/7 shall be carried out within the period fixed for the withdrawal of the troops beyond the armistice lines. No injury shall be done to any stationary, movable, or floating material in ports. The evacuation may take place through the canals of the Lagoon, by means of Austro-Hungarian boats which may be brought in from outside. 8. The occupation referred to in Article 8 will take place within a period of 48 hours from the moment of cessation of hostilities. The Austro-Hungarian authorities shall guarantee the safety of vessels transporting troops for the occupation of Pola, of the islands, and the other places as provided for in the armistice for the land army. The Austro-Hungarian Government shall give the necessary directions so that the ships of the associated nations proceeding to Pola should be met, 14 miles out, by pilots capable of showing them the safest way into port. 9. All damage to the persons and property of the associated powers shall be regarded as a very grave infringement of the present armistice. The undersigned plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, declare that they approve the above-mentioned conditions. November 3, 1918. The representatives of the supreme command of the Austro-Hungarian Army: F. VICTOR WEVER EDLER VON WEBENAU. KARL SCHNELLER Y. VON LlCHTENSTEIN. J. V. NYÉKHEGYI. ZWIERKOWSKI. VICTOR BARON VON SEILLER. KAMILIO RUGGERA. The representatives of the supreme command of the Italian Army: Lieut. Gen. PIETRO BADOGLIO. Maj. Gen. SCIPIONE SCIPIONI. Col. TULLIO MARCIIETTI. Col. PIETRO GAZZERA. Col. PIETRO MARAVIGNA. Col. ALBERTO PARIANI. Naval Capt. FRANCESCO ACCINNI. | | | | | | | | nazaj | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [Quelle: Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements between the United States of America and Other Powers 1910-1923, Vol. 3, Washington 1923, S.3529-3536.] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | © zgodovina.eu. - kopiranje vsebine brez dovolenja je prepovedana | | | | | Stran je bila nazadnje spremenjena 15.01.2013 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | nazaj | | | | | | | | |